Young People




Contacting your GP

Can I contact the GP if I am under 16?

Yes you can

What questions should I be asking my GP at my appointment?

Click here of a list of questions to ask my GP

What if I want to see a male or female GP only?

That’s no problem, just make this clear when you are making the appointment. If it is an urgent appointment, sometimes it can be harder to arrange.

Will you tell anyone about my visit?

We provide a confidential service to all our patients including under 16s. This means we won’t tell anyone about your visit without your permission. We only share information without your consent if you or someone else could be in danger.

Why do staff ask me questions?

Our administration team will ask you for a brief description of what you would like to speak to the doctor about. We have asked our staff to do this to help the doctors prioritise how quickly they speak to their patients. If you don't wish to tell them - that's completely fine.

How else can I contact the surgery?

You can complete a very quick and simple online consultation. You'll be asked a few questions about your condition or request and the best way for us to contact you. You will receive a response within two working days, if not sooner!

Ordering Medication

How do I order medication?

Your can request medication via the NHS app and SystmOnline if you have an account, or alternatively you can come to the surgery and write your request down.

Where can I collect my medication?

We have a dispensary here at the surgery for patients living within our dispensary area. If you live within one mile of a pharmacy, your medication will be dispensed at a pharmacy of your choosing.


Personal Care


Crime and Safety

In 2019, teenagers accounted for more than 1,000 admissions to hospital as a result of assaults with a knife or sharp object last year, NHS figures show. Become #KnifeFree.

To help stay safe on a night out, drinkaware has created a list of symptoms that someone who has been spiked may experience.

If you find yourself in need of help on a night out and need someone to find you, What3Words is a tool that can pin point your exact location. It is recognised by the emergency services and it can be easily downloaded to your mobile device.

Before you start your vehicle, think, am I fit to drive? Drink-driving penalties include: imprisonment, bans and an unlimited fine. If you have any medical conditions or take medication that may affect your driving, and you're feeling unsure, speak to your GP about it.


Body Image

  • If you're stuggling with your body image, it is important to speak to a GP. They will be able to sugget services that can help you. Devon Partnership Trust have some further information on their website.
  • Body dysmorphia is a mental health condition where a person spends a lot of time worrying about their appearance, this can affect people of any age. The NHS website has a list of some relevant symptoms and treatments.


  • Relate has some self help pages to support problems and issues that may arise in a relationship.
  • IRISi is a social enterprise that supports people in a domestic violence situation. Their mission is to improve the healthcare response to gender-based violence through health and specialist services working together.

Staying Safe Online

Are you talking to who you think you're talking to? We use technology in our everyday lives and being online is a huge part of that.

Make sure you're keeping yourself safe online by following the 5 P's.

Staying Safe Online

It is important to know the signs of online fraud. If you are a victim or know someone who is, its important to report this.


Work and Study

  • The Mix has plenty of helpful tips and tricks for those still studying and those that want to move into the working world.
  • Start something new, have a look at the prince's trust.


Money management is a tricky thing. The Mix has a course that can help you build confidence when it comes to dealing with your money.