About the Patient Participation Group




If you are registered as a patient at Woodbury Surgery or care for someone who is, you are invited to become a member of our Patient Participation Group (PPG).

The PPG is a group of patients and practice staff who meet to discuss practice issues and patient experience to help improve services.

We would love to hear from the widest possible range of patients - teenagers, working aged adults, parents, retired, fit and healthy or lots going on physically or mental health wise, carers - the more varied our PPG the better!

Becoming a member of our PPG gives you the opportunity to work positively and collaboratively as a supportive friend to the surgery.  Your perspective, as a patient or carer is crucial.  We hope that by listening to your ideas and feedback we can develop and improve the services we provide in the future.

PPG Image

Please note the PPG is not a forum for raising a complaint: complaints should be addressed directly by contacting the Practice Manager, allowing the NHS complaints procedure to be followed.

WHAT WILL BE EXPECTED OF ME? We will be asking for feedback via email 2-3 times per year - this may involve reviewing our Friends and Family feedback, GP Patient Survery results, CQC reports and giving your ideas, views and suggestions confidentially.  We also aim to hold meetings atleast twice a year.